Barrytown Mineral Project Resource Consent
TiGa has applied for a resource consent to mine and process minerals and heavy metals on private farmland on the Barrytown Flats, West Coast, New Zealand.
At the outset we asked the West Coast Regional Council and Grey District Council to publicly notify our consent application so anyone with an interest was able to have their say on the project.
We also worked with the West Coast community to ensure locals were involved in the process. We wanted people to understand the benefits for the community as well as any impacts from mining activities, and how we proposed to mitigate them.
After an extensive public hearing by a panel of independent commissioners, TiGa’s application was granted, subject to an extensive list of conditions, most of which had been volunteered by the company.
The consent has since been appealed and we are working through that process with the Environment Court and all parties to the consent and appeal.
Assuming the mine proceeds, TiGa will create a community working group to ensure community voices continue to be heard.
Our team is also looking to develop scholarships that encourage local youth to study with, or be employed by, TiGa on the Barrytown Mineral Project.
Duration of consent
The Barrytown Mineral Project has been planned as a small and short duration bespoke mining operation. This approach allows for a constrained site with reduced impact regarding noise, dust and water management, along with protecting the natural living environment and neighbouring activities such as tourism.
While TiGa has applied for consent to operate the Barrytown mine site for 12 years, the period of active mining will only be about five years. During the active mining stage, only five hectares will be mined at any one time, with the land rehabilitated as the mine progresses.
The remaining years are required for preparation of the site and construction of infrastructure, including those physical measures needed to ensure the mine can operate within environmental consent conditions. Once mineral extraction is completed, it will take time to de-commission the site and carry out final land rehabilitation, plus a period of monitoring to ensure environmental compliance.
Consent process
Hearing Commissioners’ Decision
On 29 April 2024, an independent panel granted TiGa resource consent to mine at Barrytown under the Resource Management Act 1991. This decision is currently under appeal.
The hearing commissioners accepted all material arguments presented by TiGa, in what was a robust 186-page decision. The objections of submitters were considered at length by the hearing commissioners and their decision included 30 pages of conditions of consent, while also acknowledging that TiGa had made substantial moves toward mitigating objectors’ concerns.
TiGa Resource Consent Application
This is TiGa’s main resource consent application for the Barrytown Mineral Project mine. For most readers, this document will provide all the necessary information. Other items downloadable from this site support this primary document.
Attachment A - Records of Title
An official record of the land ownership at the proposed mine site.
Attachment B - TiGa Site Plan
An aerial photograph of the proposed mine site, overlayed with site plan details.
Attachment C - Archaeological Site Records
Details of the archaeological records associated with the proposed mine site area.
Attachment D - Certificate of Compliance
Details of the consent compliance of farm buildings existing on the proposed mine site.
Attachment E - Mining Unit Plant Site Layout
Architectural plan of site dimensions.
Attachment F - Processing Plant Building Plans
Architectural plan of the proposed mineral processing plant.
Attachment G - Mine Transport Assessment
A description of the transport environment in the vicinity of the site, the transport-related components of the proposal and identifies compliance issues with the transport provisions in the District Plan.
Attachment H - Acoustic Assessment
An assessment of potential noise effects arising from the proposed mineral mining activity.
Attachment H1 - Noise Management Plan
Draft noise management plan that details the procedures TiGa will adopt to ensure that disturbance to neighbours bordering the site is avoided or minimised.
Attachment I - Hydrological Assessment
This report identifies potential hydrological effects associated with the proposed activity and sets out a water management system detailing how adverse hydrological effects will be avoided.
Attachment I1 - Water Management Plan
A water management, monitoring, and mitigation plan to avoid adverse effects on the local hydrological environment.
Attachment J - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan prepared in support of land disturbance and associated mining activity.
Attachment L - Fuel Tank Indicative Design
Indicative design for a 40,000L double skin fuel tank.
Attachment K - Dust Management Plan
A Dust Management Plan prepared to manage, mitigate, and monitor dust emissions during construction and mining.
Attachment M - Ecological Effects Assessment
An Ecological Effects Assessment prepared and reviewed by a Terrestrial Ecologist, Freshwater Ecologist and Environmental Chemist.
Attachment M1 - Wetland and Riparian Plan
Wetland Construction and Riparian Planting Plan prepared and reviewed by a Terrestrial Team Leader and Ecologist.
Attachment M2 - Avian Management Plan
This management plan has been prepared to address potential effects on threatened and at-risk birds using the area to be mined and immediate surrounds, including the Taiko (Westland Petrel) breeding colony.
Attachment N - Landscape Assessment
A Landscape and Visual Assessment which determines the potential landscape and visual effects arising from the proposed mining activity, along with mitigation and rehabilitation where values might be affected.
Attachment N1 - Landscape Graphic Supplement
A graphic representation of the landscape issues and solutions detailed in the Landscape and Visual Assessment (above).
Attachment O - Rehabilitation Management Plan April 2023
A plan detailing rehabilitation of the site during mining (Progressive Rehabilitation) and after mining (Final Mine-Closure Rehabilitation) as an integral part of the mining process.
Attachment P - Proposed Conditions of Consent
A document detailing the resource consent conditions recommended by TiGa and its consultants for the consideration of hearing commissioners.
Attachment Q - Compliance Assessment
A Plan Compliance Assessment Table for the various district and regional plans that apply to the proposal
Attachment R - Economic Assessment
Overview of the economic impacts of Barrytown mining extraction proposal.
Attachment S - Geotechnical Assessment
An overview of mining geotechnical processes including stability of excavation and tailings operation, and tailings storage assessment.
Attachment T - Radiation Assessment
This document addresses the activity level of the material in relation to radioactive elements in the Run of Mine (ROM) received, the portion of ROM that becomes product transported from the mine site after processing, and the portion of the ROM that is returned to the ground after the mineral products are extracted.
See also below: Attachment U - Radiation Dose Report.
Attachment V - Objectives and Policies Assessment
This document sets out the objectives and policies in the various district and regional plans and national policy statements that apply to the proposal, and whether the proposal is consistent with these provisions.